Ramsey, Jennie B.
Last evening Mr. James D. Faucette, of Johnson City, was married to Miss Jennie B. Ramsey, of this city. Rev. E. A. Ramsey, uncle of the bride, and Rev. James Park, performed the ceremony which occurred at the First Presbyterian Church. The new Mrs. Faucette has for some time been a teacher in the North Knoxville schools, where she has [been] beloved universally. Mr. Faucette is a business man of Johnson City, where the young couple will reside in the future. Source: "Johnson City Wins," The Comet, 29 January 1891, digital images, Chronicling America ( : accessed 28 April 2018).
Rogan, Ed.
Married. Yesterday morning at 10:30 o'clock at the former residence of the late J. F. Deaderick, Jonesboro, Mr. Ed. Rogan and Miss Eliza R. Deaderick were married by Rev. C. A. Duncan. Mr. Rogan is a son of L. H. P. Rogan, of Knoxville, and Miss Deaderick is a daughter of the late Supreme Court Clerk Deaderick. Source: "Married," The Comet, 7 January 1886, digital images, Chronicling America ( : accessed 28 April 2018).